by Tony | Aug 13, 2008 | Beckett News
Well, unless someone from Beckett takes the initiative and contacts me directly (good luck, I know), my verdict is in–I tired to be diplomatic, I tried to keep an open mind, and I still appreciate the thankless job that Eric has done–but the new site sucks...
by Tony | Aug 7, 2008 | Beckett News
You may have heard that the new launched this week. You might also have heard that early reviews have not been positive. In fact, a posting on their blog has generated 93 responses–which range from complaints, to thanks from other site operators...
by Tony | Jun 10, 2008 | Beckett News
**UPDATE**I just went to check out the video on YouTube, and noticed that it has been ranked 1.5 stars out of 5 (6 ratings), and there have been numerous negative comments on it. You can check them out at So, I finally got...
by Tony | May 22, 2008 | Beckett News
As of this morning, I was ready to write another post criticizing Beckett–no, not for their box break videos that feature apparently loaded boxes (I spread the blame equally between Beckett and the card companies on that one)–but rather because it was a...
by Tony | Apr 15, 2008 | Beckett News, Football Card News
Beckett is giving collector’s a chance to win the 2007 Exquisite Collection Adrian Peterson Rookie Signature Spectrum 1/1 that they pulled in the who Box Busters fiasco a few weeks back–all you have to do is go fill out their second year end football...
by Tony | Apr 13, 2008 | Beckett News, Busting Boxes, Football Card News, TFBCB's Take
After the kerfuffle over the Beckett Video Box Break of two boxes of Upper Deck Exquisite, one would hope that Beckett would tread very carefully with their next round of box breaks. And while they do play it somewhat safe, by opening a box of 2008 Press Pass, which...