More Beckett Grief!

OK, to be fair, the grief this time is more directed towards Upper Deck–another common source of grief in the hobby, from what I can tell.  But The Card Blog brings to our attention a recent Beckett Box Break of 2007 Exquisite Football, where Beckett opens two...

Beckett Year End Survey

Beckett has put out their year end survey for the 2007 Football Card season.  You can read about it, and get to the voting form here. Anyone who’s been here frequently knows that I like to poke a little fun at Beckett from time to time–ok, not so much fun...

More Beckett Opinions

OK, last week I posted an article questioning whether or not Beckett has a conflict of interest when it comes to grading/auctioning/pricing cards, and said that I knew that others had some strong opinions of Beckett as well.  Well, I happened to stumble across an...

BGS Response to PSA: Raised Rates

So, one of your biggest (by far?) competitors announces that they are improving their product–what’s your reaction? If you’re Beckett, you decide to raise your rates. That’s right, Beckett has announced that they will raise their rates on...