by Tony | Aug 13, 2008 | Beckett News
Well, unless someone from Beckett takes the initiative and contacts me directly (good luck, I know), my verdict is in–I tired to be diplomatic, I tried to keep an open mind, and I still appreciate the thankless job that Eric has done–but the new site sucks...
by Tony | Aug 13, 2008 | Busting Boxes, Busting Packs
Well, finally broke down and purchased another hobby box of a 2008 product–in fact, two boxes, since I hadn’t in quite some time, my local card shop gave me a bit of a deal. Also, it might be the only 2008 product I collect this year–even Bowman...
by Tony | Aug 7, 2008 | Beckett News
You may have heard that the new launched this week. You might also have heard that early reviews have not been positive. In fact, a posting on their blog has generated 93 responses–which range from complaints, to thanks from other site operators...
by Tony | Aug 6, 2008 | Card of the Week
So, last week was the Pro Football (read: NFL) Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and Hall of Fame game. Inducted this year were Redskins Art Monk and Darrell Green, coach and player Emmitt Thomas, Patriot Andre Tippett, Viking/Bronco Gary Zimmerman, and probably the...
by Tony | Aug 5, 2008 | Random Thougts
OK, it’s been almost a month, and no action here on The Football Card Blog. So what’s up with that? A whole bunch of things have basically led me to just not really “feel it” over the last few weeks–from the Favre fiasco, to the...
by Tony | Jul 10, 2008 | Card of the Week
On my way out the door for an extended weekend, but I wanted to get a post up before I left, since I haven’t had much going on lately. Getting back to the Football/Screen Stars themed Cards of the Week, this week featuring Charles Aaron...