Busting Cello, Part 2

Sorry, this was supposed to go live before I left last weekend, but I just didn’t get around to finishing it. After the 1979 cello pack I opened last week, the second old school cello pack I opened was a 1983 Topps cello.  Unlike 1979 Topps, I do have some...

Blogs Will Save the [Card Collecting] World?

Adam McFarland at SportsLizard.com posted a blog today about ‘How [He] Thinks the Card Industry Will Be Saved’ – and I just wanted to post a link to it, just in case there is anyone who happens to read this blog who hasn’t yet stumbled across...

Busting Cello

As I mentioned a week or two ago, I’ve had to scour eBay trying to find some cards of some of the more notable football players turned actors.  A lot of the somewhat bigger names have had a fair amount of cards available, but I keep getting outbid on them at the...

Beckett (Still) Doesn’t Get It

**UPDATE**I just went to check out the video on YouTube, and noticed that it has been ranked 1.5 stars out of 5 (6 ratings), and there have been numerous negative comments on it.  You can check them out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RKSBRY8ocM. So, I finally got...

Card of the Week: Football & Screen Stars, Jim Brown

All right, should be some more posts this week, as a package arrived this afternoon.  More on that tomorrow, hopefully. This week’s Card of the Week honoring a football player who forged a career in acting is the man who started the trend of retiring early to do...